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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Quote for the Day

An old man once said ...There comes a time in life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh, forget the bad, and focus on the good. So love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living!

March 1st 2011 Traditional Tuesday Project Idea

How to Create Layout:

Use Cloud Cardstock as the base.

Using the Jumbo Circle Pattern (outside of template) and the Red Blade, cut a half circle from the red ruled paper.

Cut a half circle from the orange ruled paper, using the Jumbo Circle Pattern (inside of template) and the Red Blade.

Using the Large Circle Pattern (outside of template) and the Red Blade, cut a half circle from the yellow ruled paper.

Use the Large Circle Pattern (inside of template) and the Red Blade, to cut a half circle from the green ruled paper.

Layer the half circles onto the cardstock base, and adhere approx. 5" from the bottom, as shown.

Cut a 12" x 2-3/4" strip of purple dotted paper. Adhere below the rainbow.

Cut 12" x 1-1/4" strip of the strip paper. Adhere below the purple strip.

Using the Black Simple Monogram Stickers, put the letter "I" under the letter "O" to make a "NO" sign.

Apply the rest of the word, using White Simple Monogram Stickers. Use Foam Squares on the "NO" sign you made.

Using Rockwell font, print journaling on 12" x 1/2" strip of White Cardstock. adhere as shown.

Adhere a 5" x 7" photo, printed with a white border.

Create Layout Using:

Cloud Cardstock US

White Cardstock US

Cheerful Tone-on-Tone Paper US

Cheerful Designer-Print Paper US

CCS Jumbo Circle Pattern US

CCS Circle Patterns US

Simple ABC/123 Stickers (White) US

Simple ABC/123 Stickers (Black) US

Foam Squares US

Project Designed by:

Celeste Smith

Online Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking Layouts

Scrapbooking Projects

Scrapbooking Seasonal Ideas

Kids Scrapbook Layouts

Posted on 03/01/2011 at 12:01 AM in All Traditional, Project Idea of the Day | Permalink